Institute of Mental Health

10 Buangkok View, Buangkok Green, Medical Park, Singapore 539747
Open 24 hours

Located at Buangkok Green Medical Park, the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) is an acute tertiary psychiatric hospital with about 2,000 beds. We​ offer a comprehensive range of psychiatric, rehabilitative, and counseling services for children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly.

We believe in providing holistic integrative mental healthcare. Our modern facilities complement evidence-based multidisciplinary practices ranging from clinical psychology, nursing, and occupational therapy, to medical social work.

As Singapore’s only tertiary psychiatric care institution, we nurture the next generation of mental healthcare practitioners through the NHG-AHPL Residency Programme and collaborate with the local tertiary institutions, continuing our tradition of care since 1928.

Click here to view mental health related resources.

Key Services Offered

  • Addiction Management
  • Learning Disorders
  • Adult Neurodevelopmental Service (ANDS)
  • Mood & Anxiety Clinic (MAC)
  • Memory Clinic
  • Psychogeriatric Clinic
  • Affective Disorders Clinic
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism and Behavioral Conditions
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder


Opening Hours

Institute of Mental Health opens 24 hours, Monday to Sunday, and on Public Holidays.

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